Player feedback is an important force in the decision making process of Riot Games. If you want to make your voice heard, taking the time to let us know how you’re feeling about the game is a good place to start. When you give feedback, make sure you take a holistic approach. If you only give negative feedback, you may find that the changes you influence detract from what you initially enjoyed. Moreover, people are simply more likely to listen if you present yourself in a calm, well thought out manner.
That being said, don’t be afraid to tell us if you feel strongly, and why. Try to be straightforward, specific, and always try to make your feedback direct and concise. For instance, saying something along the lines of:
“I used to love playing Katarina because her skills give her high mobility in lane, but with the latest nerfs to Death Lotus, I no longer feel like I have a strong enough presence in team fights to be viable. I don’t think that I’m going to be playing Kat in the future unless she undergoes some revisions.”
Is a much better way of expressing your dismay at a patch than beginning with an irate tirade, then asking for changes to be reverted or attempting to force an alternate solution. Remember that we’re listening and making changes every couple of weeks, so, with a little patience, you may find that your issues will be worked themselves out.
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